by | Nov 4, 2016 | Poetry | 0 comments

Hey I’m only 15
Jimmy Jones is my name
but im joining the pals
and fighting for fame

for king and for country
im willing to die
to keep England free
im willing to lie

To join up for service
you must be 18
it’s a lie I must tell
to fight is my dream

if I have to Waite
it may be all done
and seeing them march
home to the beat of a drum

so I’m telling a lie
at the recruitment hall
and saying im 18 when
I’m not that at all

with kings shilling in hand
I march off with my chums
seeing the crowds and
the crying of mum’s

the waving of hankies
and the children there stand
I’m marching off
to the sound of the band

mum didn’t stop me
she knew I was done
I had the kings shilling
the uniform and the gun

so its off to Flanders
for me and my chums
to stand in trenches
shooting our guns

but the reality is
in trenches we stand
fighting each other
over no man’s land

and at wars end
we didn’t march home
no marching like hero’s
we marched on alone

most of my comrades
missing or dead
I saw young billy get shot
in the head

as for me I’ll never forget
the bullets the mud
the trenches so wet
and only one word now
and that is


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