About FLOW

FLOW (Forces Literary Organisation Worldwide) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) whose registered number is SC050666.

FLOW aims to help and support anyone affected by war and other traumatic experiences in their lives and to help them share their thoughts online with like-minded people.

Many people find asking for help difficult, do not wish to be identified, or their personal pride prevents them from sharing their feelings with their family, friends or work colleagues. We, therefore, accept your writing with your real name, a pseudonym, or as anonymous if you prefer not to use your real name. You can always change that at a later date.

Anyone affected by trauma (serving military personnel, veterans, their friends and family or anyone who simply wants to express themselves) is invited to share their feelings and thoughts in a safe and non-judgmental environment. It doesn’t need to be your trauma. You can write about whatever you want that may impact your mental health or those you love and care for.

People are welcome to share their poems, stories, letters and lyrics and read other people’s contributions and comment on them. It can be comforting to engage with like-minded people, knowing that you are not alone in your feelings. Writers have the option to remain anonymous.

All the publications found on FLOW and its associated websites belong entirely to the authors. The authors we show as owning the writing are taken from the names we are given, and we accept these as honest and correct. We take no responsibility for incorrect credit of any work. If you know of a piece of work which does not belong to the stated author, please email us, and we will investigate further.

FLOW reserves the right to publish any writing submitted by anyone in its books and other publications. Full credit will be given to the named writer.

All the proceeds from our grants, books and other fundraising activities go directly into FLOW to help pay for our long-term goals, minimal running costs, and eventually wages of staff as we grow larger.

FLOW’s Poems, Stories, Letters and Lyrics


Submitted poems, stories, letters and lyrics will undergo a moderation process, and after approval, they will be published on the site. We ask that you understand some members of the community may be young, so please understand that some literature may be censored prior to publishing. We do still advise viewer caution due to the nature of the topics discussed.


The Dawn

The Dawn July twenty seventh two thousand and nine A mammogram check, well worth the time I wait in the car so I don’t have to pay Then Debs made that call on her mobile to say I might have the cancer, (I heard her voice shake) The seconds took minutes, please let...

Jul 12, 2024

P T S D 1

P T S D 1 Remember, too, those military men With memories buried deep Lifelong scars within their soul Interrupting them when they sleep The horrors of the battlefield The screams of the wounded and the smell With destruction all around them These things they...

Apr 23, 2024


His voice cut the air like a sharp knife in the stuffy classroom that warm summer day in 1948. ‘Who can name me a famous battle?’ An arm shot up in the second row desk, the boy waving his hand for added effect. ‘Yes boy, what’s your name?’ commanded the teacher...

Mar 16, 2024


THE VIRGIN PILOT - by Will Roe 24th February 2024 The first light of dawn had barely lit the sky over the airfield on that August morning when the orders to scramble broke the reveries, personal dreams and crafty cigarettes of the pilots stationed at the RAF base....

Feb 27, 2024


P T S D 2 Remember too those Military Men With Memories buried deep Lifelong scars within their soul Interrupting them when they sleep The horros of the battlefireld The screams of wounded and the smell With destruction all around them These things they remember...

Jan 31, 2024

Freddy Gilroy

Freddy Gilroy Scarborough We’re back in Yorkshire once again In Scarboough on a Winter’s day Where Ray Lonsdale has created another Statue To sit here on the Promenade on display The twice than lifelike subject this time Sitting here facing the Sea at North Bay...

Jan 21, 2024

Brothers in arms

Brothers in Arms It’s hard to interpret this image As we sit and sadly stare As though left by a Guardian Angel To remind all of us who care The thoughts of many Military men Of battles fought won or lost The smell the noise and the sadness Perhaps their colleagues...

Jan 21, 2024


Artist Ray Lonsdale Tommy Imagine if you will the thoughts of this Soldier Sitting not far from Seaham’s shore Home once again on British soil Away from the horrors of War All this depicted by the Artist Of this moving image we see The setting here in loneliness...

Jan 21, 2024

Commando Lochaber

Commando Lochaber Now here’s a subject that takes me back To times when I were a mere child Enduring life in W W 2 So this photo left me beguiled I remember the enemy Bombers As they flew nightly overhead And we were led to a shelter Instead of staying in our bed...

Jan 20, 2024

H M S Victory

H M S Victory Here we have the oldest ship in the British Navy The longest Vessel in the world to survive 246 years of Service to the Royal Nay Which was launched in 1765 H M S Victory was Flagship for Lord Nelson In the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 Armed with 104...

Jan 19, 2024

Our Patron

Dame Vera Lynn CH DBE OStJ

Dame Vera Lynn CH DBE OStJ kindly became our patron in 2008, until she passed away on the 18th of June 2020 at her home in East Sussex at the age of 103. The Royal Family led tributes to Dame Vera, with Queen Elizabeth II sending private condolences to her family and Clarence House issuing tributes from the then Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall.

We will always be immensely proud to have had Dame Vera write the foreword of our first book, published in October 2008, and be our patron for so many years.

We will cherish the years that Dame Vera was our patron. A lady whose example of kindness, care and empathy for our troops has been strikingly evident for so many years. We can do no better than to quote her most recent comment supporting our work.

“I have been following FLOW’s excellent work for some time now and have always been impressed by the way that they provide for people who have been affected by war.

As a musician, I understand the huge power of art – it can heal wounds, bring people together, and preserves memories for generations to come.

By offering a chance for people to express themselves through poetry and stories, FLOW offers the comfort of community and communication, and this should always be celebrated.

I would like to offer my thanks to everyone who supports this worthy cause and I wish FLOW all the best as it attempts to reach even more people around the world.”

We are privileged to have had such a wonderful person as our Patron, and we offer our deepest thanks for all the support we have been thrilled to receive by Dame Vera, Virginia her daughter, and Susan her PA.

Raising Funds

We hope that FLOW will be able to raise sufficient funds to publish its books of Poems, Stories, Letters and Lyrics every year, celebrating the work of those who kindly share their writing with us.

FLOW also presently runs on the generous time provided by its volunteer staff, but to grow, we know we must gain sufficient funding to employ full-time paid staff to carry out the work we must do.

As FLOW is a registered charity, all contributions and proceeds from fundraising efforts will go directly back into the organisation so we can continue supporting those who need it.
Contributions can be made through our website, or alternatively, you can contact us to hold a fundraiser of your own. Please contact us by clicking here.


of people exposed to mass violence have been shown to develop PTSD

Million Adults are diagnosed with PTSD during a given year

Women are 2x more likely to suffer from PTSD than men