by | Jan 28, 2008 | Poetry | 0 comments

Dear Mum I have arrived safe and well
The other recruits say we have the platoon sergeant from HELL
But I think he is swell
Please tell my Gran that all is well

My section corporal
He is the one from HELL
I think he is paid just to YELL
Apart from that all is well

Dear Mum I have had my first army haircut
The door slammed shut
And I ended up with a crew cut
Good thing it didn’t hurt
But now I have a baldy nut

Dear Mum In the morning the strip lights ping
And my eye’s start to sting
The corporal will YELL
We have to run like HELL
The breakfast queue is long
And we join the throng
We can’t be to long
We have to learn how to march along

Dear Mum in the evening we clean our kit
No time to sit we have to do our kit
Before you know its lights out
And I rest my weary head
Its time to go to bed

Dear Mum my time at the depot is done
I have had some fun
All the smokers are done
I must go now to join my battalion
I cannot wait to walk through that gate
A soldier and your son
I love you Mum


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