My ‘Jake’ of 16 Summers

by | Apr 5, 2008 | Poetry | 0 comments

It doesn’t seem that long ago
When we both first saw Jake
A little Jack Russell puppy
Which to our home we’d take
He did the things that puppies do
Even wee’d upon the floor
And after a couple of warnings
He didn’t do that no more
He’d play out in the Garden
Or even welcome a walk
But he became impetuous
If we dared to stop and talk
He’s been our friend for 16 years
Alongside little Nettle
Our other tiny canine friend
Who’s really in fine fettle
But just like us they’re growing old
And Jake is past his prime
And as his health is failing
He’s in his Basket a lot of the time
To us they’re more than a couple of dogs
And on us their life depends
Our Memories will be Eternal
Of our Little Canine Friends.


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