Cataracts with film of ‘Rainbow’ spectrum covered, tumbled chute
“Mosi-oa-Tunya” signals word of plunged intent
Curtain call of water filled performance, roars in wet salute
Into the Devils Gorge, a headlong rush that seems hell-bent
Livingstone in days gone by presumed a titled Royal birth
With missionary zeal a prize he tried to capture for his Queen
Victoriana reigned supreme in flowing tears of Mother Earth
Whilst Stanley searched in vain pursuit of Doctor as of yet unseen
As darkness cloaks the ‘Falls’ at night, one wonders at the eerie glow
Ancestral spirits of the past, possessing knowledge yet unshared
Equivalent of daylight rain, in spectral view of glimpsed ‘Moonbow’
As Angels feast their eyes at wondrous miracle that He hath dared