On her third birthday
They went to Kids’ Corner
Where she had her party
With food for the kids
And a tab in the café
So that the adults
Could have tea and coffee.
One guy was greedy;
Had burger and chips.
Still, it can’t be helped,
Some people are pigs.
Just after noon,
While she was happily
Eating fish fingers,
They brought in a cake
Alight with three candles.
She blew them out
And they sang “Happy Birthday.”
She didn’t like it
And cried for her dummy,
So they plugged it in
With a kiss from her Mummy.
The kids all got party bags
Packed full of sweets.
Each got a balloon
And then they went home.
When she got indoors
She opened her cards
And unwrapped her presents
All over the floor
And she’ll get some more
Next year, when she’s four.