Close your eyes for a minute and think
Back to the days as a Lad
You’d dream of the things you’d like to be
Or maybe just follow your Dad
A Pilot, A Soldier or a Fireman
Or a Sailor out on the open Sea
But for some it’s a Racing Driver
Combined with the thrills of the Grand Prix
To sit in the seat in your suit of White
Adorned by a helmet too
Waiting to close the visor
When all the preliminary tasks are through
Now you’re finally lined up on the grid
The Starter standing still and steady
Before he lowers the flag
When he knows that you are all ready
Now the flag is down is down and the race is on
And as one the magnificent cars their engines roar loud
Joined by the smell of burnt rubbers and fumes
And the excitement of the watching crowd
Each driver doing his level best
To maintain the ultimate speed
To overcome all other opponents
In the hope that they might succeed