It’s not only me…

by | Apr 25, 2013 | Poetry | 0 comments

Ups and downs are part and parcel
Of the circle of life, I know
But nothing can prepare you
When you’re dealt a real low blow

From out of nowhere there it is
A curve ball ‘tween the eyes
It comes so fast you don’t have time
To even question why

The diagnosis, now confirmed
How on earth can this be?
The condition renown for being taboo
What will happen to me?

Fear and dread now surfaces
The tears begin to fall
This cannot be happening
I’m not ready for ‘that call’

I know I have to fight this
If I am going to win
So I call on a higher power
To help me find strength within

I fill my world around me
With positivity and hope
When I look towards the future
I know that I can cope

The medical team are optimistic
Tests are as good as they can be
They’re confident they’ll beat it
Along with faith from me

My life is now in their hands
I trust them all implicitly
I know that they will do their best
To help win this fight with me

So let the battle commence
For I’m not facing this alone
With doctors, friends and family
I’ll soon be coming home


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