To see him ‘GO AT’ ten times ten per hour
Wouldst take your breath away, ‘tis no a lie
Ooo’er “Billy” chasing “Nannies” doth empower
New “Kids” aspire to one day be that guy
Midst rutting with his chums; a goat apart
In going head to head, he is the champ
Such cheesy grin, couldst melt fair maiden’s heart
Yon lonely goatherd sighs, for want of vamp
So much to see, so little time to scribe
As “Billy” goes about his manly chores
T’would seem each “Nanny” gives off quite a vibe
When found at end of day; down on all fours
The speed with which he goes about his work
Doth leave upon his face a kind of smirk 🙂