Beyond what we see

After six knocks on six doors in a grey filled sky – as the sun shines today can we give thanks for their young lives and also pray for those that witnessed the devastation and those that repatriate these young men – for war has far reaching consequences...

The Fading Year

As the Beluga Whales revel in the low tide gravel, sloughing their dead skin; so the Arctic is shedding its summer. Birds, which have bred in their thousands, are leaving in a cacophony of sound, heading south, urging chicks to follow. Young Guillemots, with...

Her Life

In the spring of her life She had lived with the generosity, Of childhood. Blossoming into Adolescence with buttercups In her flowing brown hair. In the summer of her life She had lived with trust; often Rewarded, sometimes misplaced. Blooming into motherhood With...

Asking the Question

What is wisdom? Are we born with it? Show it and you’re a child Wise before your years, The old wives say. Can it be taught? With white chalk on black Or the modern equivalent Of PowerPoint and screen. Can it soak in? From words of generations Passed from age to age...

Sweet as Nectar

Take my hand, my beautiful daughter Run with me through the meadow Under the sun, the clouds and sky See the butterflies dance in delight Trusting the flowers to bloom and provide