Social Structure

Canvas stretching the Savannah Horizon a softening watercolour Palette green and granular brown Acacia bleeds a thorny crown Paper Mache of hinterlands Landscape of Africa commands. Pups emerge from coolness deep Painted dogs brush eyes from sleep Socially...

A Circus with no clowns

Circus and childhood are like bread and honey – excitement and the sweet smell of sawdust in a large multi coloured tent, whilst one sat hunched on a rough wooden bench – waiting for the whip to crack and the voice of the red-coated ringmaster to peel out, ‘Welcome to...

My dinner guests

I didn’t expect him to turn up with a monkey. Very cute though; the monkey, that is, not David. He said he had picked it up in Indonesia and out of all the animals he had filmed, he had found this one hard to resist. So, as Mij the otter, had become part of Gavin...