Soldiers of the Popular Army

Defeated, shattered, broken, worn Fleeing fast from mass persecution From ravaged land where they were born Fearful of death by retribution A Nationalist execution Into hiding in neutral France Depleted of ammunition Captives; in the German...

Remember, remember

Dancing lights sparkle in the black Making patterns of pure white light Keep well away from Jumping Jack Rockets fly in projected flight Catherine spins with all her might Roman Candles burn orange flame Symbols of a November night Celebrating in Guy Fawkes...

Caught in Flamenco

She danced around the olive trees In hot and fiery Spanish mood Dark, fluid, seductively lewd For man, strumming guitar on knee. Beyond the town where no-one sees Without distraction to encroach Her drive for dance beyond reproach Her yearning for him as intense For...

The First Time

Four booted feet kick autumn leaves Two hands tucked into each other Sun breaks through unbroken cover Alighting lovers, thick as thieves. Around her waist, his arm he weaves His kiss as hot as summer fire Her passion eager and entire He pulled her to the cushioned...


IED explodes Medics race to save a life Helicopter lands As the last breath is exhaled His family have been informed.