by Jan Hedger | Jan 16, 2009 | Stories
What does God mean to me? Well for something to mean anything there has to be a something or someone, which evokes the question; is there a God at all? The God we are brought up to believe in, as told in the bible, created heaven and earth in six days, resting on the...
by Jan Hedger | Jan 16, 2009 | Stories
Dear Cordelia, Oh my dear friend, I am a broken woman, a sad embittered lonely old woman. I am sitting at my dressing table writing this letter to you. The hour has struck midnight and yet I cannot sleep, afraid of the ghosts, afraid of the nightmares. The tragedy,...
by Jan Hedger | Dec 21, 2008 | Poetry
I feel the silkiness of its fleeting touch upon my bare exposed feet. My linen skirt swishing around my ankles just teasingly brushing its surface. A straw hat is perched upon my auburn hair a living connection to the earth. I place my chequered rug (as it invited me...
by Jan Hedger | Dec 19, 2008 | Poetry
Shoulder to shoulder, stood blades of sharpened silver shrouded in the swirling mist silently waiting for the morning sun; to soften them.
by Jan Hedger | Dec 8, 2008 | Poetry
Mummy, can I pack a shoebox for the soldiers?’ ‘No dear, I’m afraid you can’t’ ‘Who says?’ ‘The MOD says’. ‘Mummy, what about sweets Can I send sweets to the soldiers?’ ‘No sweetheart you cannot’ ‘Who says?’ ‘The MOD says’ ‘Mummy can I send a card, a card To the...