Parental Guidance Of right and wrong Of strength and unity Of values and truth Of pride and humility Of trust and love Of saying goodbye. Training Of loyalty and support Of boozing and brotherhood Of cunning and guile Of discipline and stoicism Of killing and maiming...

Billy the Bat

Have you heard about, Billy the bat, Who sleeps upside down Like an acrobat Hanging from claws His wings tucked in tight He sleeps through the day And flies by night Flapping and fluttering, And swooping low But how does Billy, Know where to go? He follows the signals...

High in the sky

For Poppy The moon that shines so bright, bright, bright The stars that shine at night, night, night The moon and the stars came out to play They played away till the break of day The sun, the sun, the glorious sun Came along to join in the fun But the moon and the...

Lost Years

The market was stilled, the stalls soulless. Sheets of yesterday’s news blew around in the chilled wind, like tumbleweed in a western ghost town. As the clock of St Martin’s church struck the hour of 5am, a solitary, stooped figure emerged from the shadows. Annie was...

Johnny Bennett age 8 (ish)

Don’t want to go to school. Feel sick! Don’t like Miss Prendergast, she smells, like boiled cabbage and sweaty socks. And she’s got wart, a great big one on the side of her nose. I know it’s a wart cos I had one on my finger and mam put some horrible brown stuff on...