New life, little heart Big love, to impart Tiny fingers, tiny toes Rosy cheeks, button nose A newborns cry A whispered sigh, Of contentment A joy to behold More precious than gold Rewarding, fulfilling Many hands all-willing To hold to cuddle All in a huddle, Of...


My fingers are torn and bleeding My skin has shrunk to my bones I have no strength, such is my hunger Starvation is cruel and unyielding And the cold, always the cold Their is no heat here in Ho8 ‘The tunnels below the earth’. I swing my pick axe, and a Small piece of...

Hey, I feel pain too!

Why do you assault me? I have been here for millions of years Solid, whole and unyielding. I shake with my anger at your invasion And cover your bodies in my sandstone dust. You have joined me now, Here for ever.


As the poppy petals fall It is then I recall A winters November eve Cosy and warm, with my mom In front of the tele Watching the Remembrance service From the grand Albert Hall It was important, she said To remember. I didn’t understand then Just knew my heart felt...


The bruised red velvet petals of the three red roses curled in tight; in solidarity; against the invasion of their inner selves Not so the brazen lily, who bared its soul its fiery orange tongue; resplendent Soft, pink lacy fingers of the unassuming astilbe reached...