Haiku’s POW challenge

Monsoon A single bubble falls on parched land, preceding thousands to follow Innocence of a Child Spring lambs leap from the picture book in child’s hands, as she dreams their freedom Parenting Carefully chosen nest sites protect spring babies nothing is random...

Stormy Weather

Open to the Elements Gusty air rips limbs tearing down; exposing life beneath roughened bark Seeking Protection Lee of wall shelters huddled sheep; mass of woolly blobs against the grey Bersham Spoil Tip In storm ridden skies Jackdaws circle; symbolic of discarded men...

An Officers Death

Sid slumped at his feet bubble of spittle, blood washed grew from loose-jawed mouth With stub of pencil he crossed the black book of names one more page, death full Random shots rang out across the barbed wire line, death or self-death, unmarked His mind slipped to a...

I Come From

I come from slum clearance, waiting forever for posterity and re-generation the men at the bookies and the bar and the women and kids just survived washing day on Monday’s and back to backs I come from riddled streets, hammering, woodbines and smog I come from Co-op...

A Sunday Morning at Cooden Beach

Rolling waves crash towards the shore Lowering their heads like charging bulls Losing momentum with the drag of the shingle, They dissipate; falling back against the angle Weakening their diminishing strength On the pebbled shore, two siblings, Test their wits at the...