“For Whom The Bell Tolls” (9/11 Anniversary)

What’s happened here this day, this hour, I cannot fathom still Yet here I am embroiled in cause which seeks alone to kill Forgive this action that I take, in faith that’s notwithstanding Of consequences I believe beyond one’s understanding Searing heat may take my...

“Should this Day without me Dawn”

Remember me who once did pass this way Who felt the warmth of Sun upon their face Who dreamt thru darkest nights of brand new day In learning how to love, didst life embrace Somehow I’ve bid existence “au revoir” Unknowing that which now hath come too soon No more in...

“Sari Sari Knight”

A commentary on this troubled world. (Read to the tune of Vincent) – (by Don McLean) Sari, Sari, Knight Draped in armour blue and grey Searching out midst summer’s day As eyes ‘neath bascinet doth stare out cold Gallows on the hills Hewn from trees, bereft of...

“Rained Down On”

As silhouettes appear on pavement slab My senses sharpen’d by held ‘state of fear’ To nail direction canst but take a stab Projection from above or to the rear Known skyline doth afford familiar form Atop the terraced roofs of chimney pots Then shadows move,...

“With pen in hand, my thoughts I give”

Tis not the love professed nor pledge that’s made In declaration or thru written word Tis not a line expressed which helps persuade Tho what one hopes to say, may be inferred What e’er appears as truth flows from the heart Connecting dreams replenished by held quill...