To beard the lion…

Though the stir of drums may play its part Your sacrifice would touch our hearts… Men fought with courage on the ground They made us all feel justly proud. And as they marched off colours high Some would live-and some would die. And those who returned, as the...

The Birnam Oak

Where huntsmen once would sound their horn The River Tay flows gently on. The ancient oak grown gnarled of form Still stands, though, Birnam Wood has gone. How brave Macbeth would come to rue The day his hand King Duncan slew. One day, The Birnam Oak will fall And...

Your Life

Your life was an example Of how all should behave. Rock-hard as a mortar man Undaunted and brave. The weight you once carried with lightness was borne. A friend, and a comrade True courage has shown… The Veterans, the shopkeepers, in silence now stand To honour...

Corra Linn

Though artists, and poets, found you worthy of praise By the pull of the lade and the turn of the wheel They would harness your power and your dignity steal. And out children spilled like ants from their hill For they, too, would live to serve Owen’s Mill. And...

Crummock Water

The Rowan stoops to listen to our dreams A red squirrel leaps amongst ivied trees. The weir stands guard over the river’s source While waves lap gently on pebbled shores. For ever we will cherish this day The fading wisps of ling; a lonely harebell. The lordly...