Our Blog
The year was 1872 When Florence Smith was born Her father working in the fields To gather in the corn And as she lay inside her crib She fretted and she cried Too young to know or comprehend Her mother sadly died Her father could not raise a child He knew she had to...
No second chances
There are no second chances For me anymore No last reprieve No last minute pardon No change of mind No light in the tunnel No reason to live Just a final look back A fleeting glimpse Of the life lost to me Love lost to me Her lost to me What could have been But will...
My life has no meaning I feel empty inside I have nothing to live for Nothing to look forward to Nothing to get up for I can’t concentrate I can’t smile I can’t laugh I have no purpose All I have is pain
My life is empty Half of me missing Without you I’m not complete
Mersey Docks & Harbour Board
Early in the morning dad’s off to join a queue Standing at the dock gate that’s all he can do Hoping that maybe he’ll get some work for the day God how our mum could do with the pay Hoping he’ll get lucky hoping he’ll get picked Maybe we’ll get lucky with some corn...
Life with PTSD
The last five years have been a real strain I’ve put Lyn through it again and again In all that time she didn’t even shout Anybody else would’ve just given me a clout She’s had to smile even when it hurt When she could’ve given me a wide berth She’s always there...