Our Blog

On the theme of; It had started out like any other day…

Have you ever met a mouse? I mean really met a mouse a mouse that converses in human tongue. I did once upon a time. I found her in the library peeping out from Lewis Carroll. “Ssshh” she said. “The children are asleep.” I turned from ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ my...

“Tae a Virus”

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Here I sit on a lonely park bench, I try hard to forget the shallow, dark trench, I try hard to forget the filth and blood, And the bodies of friends lying in the mud. I try to forget that feeling of fear, As a German patrol drew closer and near, I try hard to forget...

Demons of the Night

Thoughts go rushing through my head As I sit here and write As another day is ending Once again the fading light I close my eyes for inspiration Looking neither left or right Will I be accompanied By the Princes or Demons of the night I’m searching deep within me Both...

Illusion 2

Multiple colours here are seen Golds and Yellows, Grey and Green Opal Brown and Red as well What it all means is hard to foretell Looking from above at what is seen Could be depicting a fearsome ravine Waters rushing down each side Creating havoc as they collide With...


We Remember. We remember them now gone. Those lives of our farther, sons, mothers, daughters. Sacrifices given in blood, upon a foreign place and murky field. Many have left upon great ships. Returned but a few to tread the streets of dear Blighty once more. Of home....