Our Blog


A restless tide and a moody sky, over the North Sea, Grandpa and I ... sat on the sea wall, fishing at dawn. He said little to me when I was still small, but I had grown up now; he had spared me before, and now was the time to tell me of war… He paused… It’s a duty I...


There is a time in my life, from which, I , recoil, When we were called to Arms, on our home soil. To defend, not to fight against an invisible foe, Each face that passes, are they friendly, who knows? In this beautiful land they would take up the gun, Sister against...


To War he was called in 1914, This beautiful young lad, barely eighteen. To battlefields, so far from home, He, with his comrades, but still so alone. With smells of sulphur, cordite and iron, They fought in a world that was so foreign. His hopes and his dreams now so...

Best Pals

Gone I am now, a good life I did live, I have not a lot, but here’s what I give. You can have my heart, it beats strong and fast, it’s really quite healthy, long it will last. You can have my lungs, many miles they have run, I really don’t need them, with those I am...

Empire State of Mine

I speak now of a brother, Of which I have not got. Neither us are English, Welsh, Irishman or Scot. For both of us are British, but parents, we share not. In battle we must fight now, And as well when we get home, For cruel are all opinions, When created on their own....

bur-IED Underfoot

No corner of some foreign field for me As sand grains borne by wind, doth shape this land Nor green and pleasant ending soon to be Lest mirage forms creating close at hand This day arrived 'neath bright and pale blue skies Another just like any other dawn Where once...