Our Blog
Never Forgotten
The heavens raged the thunder roared and lightening split the sky. And down below in the sodden earth was death and the soldiers cry. The canon roared, the clarion called, you could hear the eagle cry. And the politicians safe at home whilst all our young men die. And...
Never We Forget Them
S-peaks only truth, O-nce a friend, a friend for life, L-ives to serve his country, D-ies, for the man by his side, I-ncase he does not return, E-ternal in the sky, R-emember, this brave soldier, S-o his truth remains alive. Never we forget them, Men green, Men brown,...
My Temple Breached
Tho’ all alone, I was aware of you Who held my life within sure hands ‘that day’ Such thoughts as I ascribe, no more than due For one so ill equipped to hear me say Humility becomes a gifted man Whose skill adept is there for all to see Yet miracles performed as part...
bur-IED Underfoot
No corner of some foreign field for me As sand grains borne by wind, doth shape this land Nor green and pleasant ending soon to be Lest mirage forms creating close at hand This day arrived 'neath bright and pale blue skies Another just like any other dawn Where once...
Embryonic State
As held within creation’s crib, unborn Where life begets; ‘tis how I came to be Developing as foetus yet to form From blocks which build originality My DNA may prove to be unique Perchance to hold a quill ‘twixt fingers webbed Expressing thoughts unable yet to speak A...
Turn The Page
Whilst reading ‘twixt the lines of book one holds I’ve formed o’er time, a diff’rent point of view Of life, where changed existence now unfolds Before my eyes both big and dark of hue Where once romance did blossom midst the gun An urgency to touch another’s heart...