Our Blog

Say a Prayer or 2

Say a prayer for those soon to be dead For they will not go home smiling They will not hear the bands, See the celebration or relish the glory Say a prayer for those soon to be dead They will not know the pride felt for them Nor enjoy the freedoms their loss upholds...


QUIET MOMENTS I go in quiet moments To sit and be still To a place where the birds Fly over the hill I go in quiet moments To stand and to stare Out over green meadows That harbour the hare I go in quiet moments And let the world pass While I languish and lie In the...

A Few Steps from the Road

I breathe the smell of moistened green Twisting, tangled undergrowth neath Dripping canopy of shadow- light; as Foxgloves pierce through, spear like On single stems of royal bells, deep With nectar for searching bees. A Chiff Chaff greets me repeatedly Calling of its...

Lake Formation/Freedom

Lake Formation Canoes strung in shape of a Spanish Fan unfurled cool down summer’s air Freedom Cast out from lake, rushing over the weir The Vyrnwy runs pure and crystal clear Where oak stands tall and the ash leans o’er Deepened soul of water here runs slower Bathing...


THE SEED WE MUST SOW There are so many wars and disputes Over things going back to our roots We fight over small bits of land That are filled with nothing but sand Or mountains both barren and bare With no sign of life anywhere We kill those who would be our foe For...


LIBERTY Build a house of brick and stone Let it stand for all to see A monument to you alone To you alone and Liberty Set a seed of English oak Let it grow wild and free Strong and stout to evoke To evoke sweet Liberty Free a bird, trapped in a cage Free it for the...