Our Blog

A Good Nights Sleep

A moth’s bedazzled by the light The shadows tiptoe through the night Within the prison of your mind Your demons will your weakness find The moonlight slowly fades away An owl swoops low above its prey The wind is gathering in its strength The willows’ branches writhe...

The Blooded Field

It’s quiet now, the guns have gone The poppies have stayed to remind everyone Of the horror of death And the blood that was spilled by the thousands of men Who went there to be killed. It’s the war to end wars was said by some But it was just a rehearsal for the other...


Each magnificent tree could tell a story Of horror and death and sometimes glory Those trees of which some still remain Have seen battles fought in their domain They have seen soldiers giving all they can Seen the bravery of man Seen anger, hatred, blood and gore And...


To you who send our kin to war, When they are fallen you need not; Doff the headdress; Bow the head; Stand to in the stillness; Lower the flag; Muffle the bells; Toll the knell; Beat the drum roll; Skirl the funereal air; Shuffle the slow march; Sound the last post;...

The Transience of Life

From that moment you were born A light within your heart has shone While theirs lie buried in their graves Your hopes and dreams would never fade. You’ve proved your cruel detractors wrong Who averred you were to failure born. For every praise you would deserve A...