Our Blog
Maelstrom to Monochrome
Sinuous in my silk gown, I slip seamlessly though the enveloping white mist, its droplets, glinting like diamonds, caught in the tendrils of my hair. The mist is ice cold, alive and swirling and I am flung around like spun sugar. Scarlet streams of blood, leave my...
“Echoes in My Mind”
I’m standing in your silence, but it’s loud inside my head. My memories consume me; they follow where I tread. Every step I take, there’s a ghost I cannot see from wars I left so long ago that still aren't done with me. I’m trying to escape from the demons I...
Autism aND Me
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a term that I dislike, it makes me feel I’m damaged, like an old and broken bike. Unlike that old and broken bike I’m actually on fire, I think of many different things, I create, and I inspire. Tenacious and fixated, and...
The Dawn
July twenty seventh two thousand and nine A mammogram check, well worth the time I wait in the car so I don’t have to pay Then Debs made that call on her mobile to say I might have the cancer, (I heard her voice shake) The seconds took minutes, please let me awake? I...
P T S D 1
Remember, too, those military men With memories buried deep Lifelong scars within their soul Interrupting them when they sleep The horrors of the battlefield The screams of the wounded and the smell With destruction all around them These things they remember well...
His voice cut the air like a sharp knife in the stuffy classroom that warm summer day in 1948. ‘Who can name me a famous battle?’ An arm shot up in the second row desk, the boy waving his hand for added effect. ‘Yes boy, what’s your name?’ commanded the teacher with...