Our Blog


Why us, Why us, the soldier asked As onward the ammunition he passed Because we're here, because we're here Now do up that button and show no fear Defend you now that red white and blue For that's all Victoria asked of you Behind your meally bags and carts Wipe your...

My Little Yellow Handbag (Herford Brewery’s Handy Pack)

Oh my little yellow handbag My friend from years ago Just how much I miss you I guess you'll never know You often travelled with me And saved me from despair Sometimes I was sad or lonely And so glad that you were there When I'd had one to many You used to slur my...


You’d never guess to see me now That I was once a soldier Not stooped and walking with a cane They came when I grew older You’d never guess that these frail hands Were capable of killing Did things that I did not expect To earn the Monarch’s shilling You’d never guess...

“Once A Soldier”

Our former selves appear mere shadows now As “Light of Life” diminishes thru time “To right all wrongs” we all didst once avow Then circumstances caused to realign By actively engaging with said foe Twas thought that we may put an end to war By showing them another...

The Curved Walls

In the World we are known as the United Kingdom Great Britain is our own Sceptred Isle Protected by our Military Forces, over the years So close your eyes if you will and think for awhile Of the Wars that were fought to save Nations from aggression One War to end all...

Black Water (Whixall Moss)

Time for me is immaterial as I lie waiting – a deep hollow of entrapment blackness leaching into my sunless soul a completeness of no reflection. I am totally blind, but I can sense movement – and I wait. Why am I waiting? I wait because I am starved. Starved as the...