Our Blog
The genus Papava, in a field of swaying corn, Vivid against the ripened gold; Or scattered randomly, along the hedgerows, Petals at risk from the morning cold. Symbolic of the gallant fighting forces Alone, in the mud bogged trenches, These scarlet heads sway in...
Men at war
Stomp-stomp! Stomp-stomp! The moonlit sky filled with smoke, Where bullet after bullet made men scream. The heart of evil coldness from clouds above, Circled the men at war. The blood pounded on the ground like an angry dog, As skeletons rattled all rotten. Corpse...
Centenary Poem
I wear this poppy on my chest To remember those who lay to rest Coloured red like the blood; tragically spilled Of thousands of men; mercilessly killed But for their country was how they died And today I wear this flower with pride The leaf angled to the eleventh hour...
The meandering Thames flows through the cities midst, Lapping gently against the shore. Beside Tower Bridge, in the castle’s moat, A commemoration to lives, lost in the harshest of wars. It is one hundred years since the start of the conflict, And the four year long...
You died in 1916
You died in 1916 Was your death quick and clean? Was your death slow and painful? Did you think the war will end wars? Well you were wrong my pal! A lot of people probably loved you. Did you have memories of your family? Did they have memories of you? I hope you sleep...
Flanders Field
As I look across the field I see the blood red carpet, As petals sway in the mid-day sun Listen to their attractive sound. As I run through the field, I feel their warm velvet petals Brush against my bare – skin. In my soul I remember the men, Brave and muddy. I still...