Our Blog

Flanders Field

As I look across the field I see the blood red carpet, As petals sway in the mid-day sun Listen to their attractive sound. As I run through the field, I feel their warm velvet petals Brush against my bare – skin. In my soul I remember the men, Brave and muddy. I still...


SACRIFICE Boots and tunics clogged,with clinging mud, Comrade’s bodies, falling with devastating thud. Amid the acrid, stomach churning stenches, Brave young men, fought from the trenches. Rifles loaded, ready to fight, They guarded their lines, with all their might....


The meandering Thames flows through the cities midst, Lapping gently against the shore. Beside Tower Bridge, in the castle’s moat, A commemoration to lives, lost in the harshest of wars. It is one hundred years since the start of the conflict, And the four year long...


Khaki clad men ran, stooped, through the trenches maze; Avoiding shells, that aimed to end their days; Through mud and muck, and rat infestation, Past shrieking comrades, fallen, with no sedation. Weapons carried, ready to fire, When called upon, from their rancid...

You died in 1916

You died in 1916 Was your death quick and clean? Was your death slow and painful? Did you think the war will end wars? Well you were wrong my pal! A lot of people probably loved you. Did you have memories of your family? Did they have memories of you? I hope you sleep...

Do You Know The Trenches?

The Trenches with their banks of mud and rotten wood, Barbed wire stained and rusted With the blood of the innocent, Trembles with the vibration of fresh explosions. Then there’s the mud, Churned up by wave after agonising wave of shellfire, And torrential rain. Men...