by Robert Carson | Mar 20, 2017 | Poetry
From that moment you were born A light within your heart has shone While theirs lie buried in their graves Your hopes and dreams would never fade. You’ve proved your cruel detractors wrong Who averred you were to failure born. For every praise you would deserve A...
by Robert Carson | Mar 13, 2017 | Poetry
With the ever-quickening of the day Too soon the Autumn’s flown away Long Winter nights begin to fall The mice within the hayricks crawl. The river’s silent, cold, and dark The dogs within the farmyard bark The moon implores the vagrant sky An owl uluates its mournful...
by Horace Boddington Gibbs | Feb 17, 2017 | Poetry
Sunset-but yet no peace shall bid the day farewell; And what, before the dawn? Sunset-ablaze with beauty; but list the screaming shell, And God’s fair lanscape torn. Night- but still no slumber comes to watchful eyes For war and hate’s afalme; Night-and...
by Horace Boddington Gibbs | Feb 17, 2017 | Poetry
And many have marched the Ypres trail And many have marched and stayed But the silent sentinels* sternly stand And tell no tale of the hero band Who have marched it undismayed. And many have marched the Ypres trail Through the winter’s rain and snow When the grey mud...
by Peter Gibbs | Feb 17, 2017 | Poetry
Sunset-but yet no peace shall bid the day farewell; And what, before the dawn? Sunset-ablaze with beauty; but list the screaming shell, And God’s fair landscape torn. Night- but still no slumber comes to watchful eyes For war and hate’s aflame; Night-and...
by Robert Carson | Feb 16, 2017 | Poetry
And what of Beauty, and what of Truth And who walks there through Rowbank Wood.? Enfolded and placed within a book Where few would ever chance to look. To read my words that in your praise May pass for ever down the age. ‘Your beauty charms the every hour More lovely...