by Ron Martin | Sep 9, 2015 | Poetry
Why are we so selective in our concerns? Why invade Iraq and still ignore Zimbabwe Are some peoples of the world more important? Or is it just a matter of expediency Were we so concerned about the people of Iraq ? Did Saddam Husains dictatorship present a danger to...
by Jon Lawton | Aug 27, 2015 | Poetry
A broken heart never heals Just switches off Not living, just existing Going through the motions Imitating life Marking time Hoping, but not believing That one day It Finds love
by Jon Lawton | Aug 27, 2015 | Poetry
In my deepest dreams At the Back of my mind On the Tip of my tongue The very edge of my thoughts Just out of my reach You’re always there Constantly
by Jon Lawton | Aug 27, 2015 | Poetry
I feel the pistol grip in my hand Familiar and smooth Touch my finger on the safety For the hundredth time Check the magazine is secure The change lever correct My position is firm I am ready To live or die I am a...
by Richard Gildea | Aug 26, 2015 | Poetry
As silhouettes appear on pavement slab My senses sharpen’d by held ‘state of fear’ To nail direction canst but take a stab Projection from above or to the rear Known skyline doth afford familiar form Atop the terraced roofs of chimney pots Then shadows move,...
by Don Holmes | Aug 25, 2015 | Poetry
In seven days or maybe ten The leaves will start to turn again Bringing Autumn’s glorious hues And those impending Winter blues Some sunshine helps to ease the pain As Summer pleasures start to wane Those Autumn skies will turn to grey And hide the Sun ‘most every day...