Fields of Red

by | Dec 14, 2016 | Poetry | 0 comments

When all was said
And all was done
Doomed youth marched into hell
Who could bear to keep a count
All of those who fell
Lives cut short before their years
So soon before their time
Loved ones wept their bitter tears
Whose blame this bloody crime

A flare shot up
A whistle blew
They clambered from the pit
Over the top they went in droves
Machine guns spat steel spit
Mown down like grass
By flail by scythe
Jerk jolt and writhe
None would ever pass

Shelter nowhere to be found
The fallen lying in heaps
Dead and dying on the ground
Life blood and spirit seeps
But they will be forever young
Not age like all of us
They gave their all
For all of us
That we might live in peace

The cold winter sun has long since set
Over the blood and mud drenched dead
Their sacrifice our deep regret
Hearts full of pain and dread
Always remember them
Lest we forget
A poppy blooms for each of them
Amongst those fields of red


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