by | Dec 17, 2015 | Poetry | 0 comments

I thought once you had asked me ‘Please…
Help rid my body of these fleas.
These bites are driving me insane…
I do not want to ask again.’

I did not help you, for instead…
Your voice was just inside your head

I thought once you had asked me ‘Please…
Help end all suffering and unease.
The children of the world have lain
In want of comfort, and are in pain.’

I did not understand you, for instead…
Your voice was just inside your head.

I thought once you had asked me ‘Please…
Help end all hunger and disease.
A famine has laid low the grain…
The world is under stress and strain.’

I did not listen to you, for instead…
Your voice was just inside your head.

I thought once you had asked me ‘Please…
Help end all poverty, and hope increase.
The rich lords they do not refrain
From counting their wealth… the Devil’s stain.’

I did not heed you, for instead…
Your voice was just inside your head.

I thought once you had asked me ‘Please…
Help end inequality, and hate decrease.
Eradicate homophobic bane
And racist insult most profane.’

I did not hear you, for instead…
Your voice was just inside your head.

I thought once you had asked me ‘Please…
Help end all wars and bring forth peace.
Forbear with tolerance and attain
Compassion for everything humane.’

I did not see you, for instead…
Your voice was just inside your head.

I thought once you had asked me ‘Please…
Help give much comfort, and release
The oppressed from their tortured chain…
The dispossessed from their anguished train.’

I did not know you, for instead…
Your voice was just inside your head.

Whenever you might ask me ‘Please…’
I think it best your cries should cease.
I do not think you should complain.
From helping you I will abstain.

I will ignore you, for instead
Your voice is just inside your head.

I think that I must ask you ‘Please…
Make your complaint and do not tease.
Make it simple, make it plain…
Do not suffer your thoughts in vain.

‘Do not keep silent, but instead
Make known the voice inside your head.’

Kevin M Welsh 2015


Noli temeram…
nihil timeam…

I am not afraid…
I fear nothing…

I do not dwell within the realm of Fear…
Dread has relinquished its dominion unto me.
Disquiet’s trespass has no lordship of my soul…
Nor I am in the servitude of Terror.
I am not afflicted by perfidious Fright.

I will not capitulate to Perversion’s unpleasant pass…
Doubt will not sully me with its demeaning presence.
Mischief’s misdeeds will not diminish me…
Nor am I hindered by Sorrow’s shameful test.
I am not laid low with pernicious Pestilence.

I will not be thwarted by Tribulation’s sadistic blot…
Horror avails me not to yield to its measure.
I will not be confounded by the clamour of Derision…
Woe’s lamentation will not anguish me…
And Barbarity’s cruel contempt does not defile me…

I fear nothing…

I am not afraid…

I truckle not to Torment’s indelicate embrace…
For Calumny’s curse affords me no concern.
I am not once discomfited by Pain…
Despair has no authority of my mind.
I am unstricken by Misery and Lament…
Death’s empty threat does not discourage me.

I am not scourged with unremitting Coil…
Nor trammelled by Insult’s vulgar disdain.
I will not suffer Life’s vicious malevolence…
Nor will I wilt to Misadventure’s vexatious knot.
I do not fold to Ridicule’s scurrilous complaint.
I will not buckle to Betrayal’s mendacious charm.

I submit not to Misfortune’s mischievous wit…
I am not encumbered with the burthen of Helplessness.
I am neither worsened by Futility’s lot…
Nor false beguiled by pathetic Pity’s deceit.
I do not succumb to the vengeance of vile Spite…

I fear nothing…

I am not afraid
I will uphold the humble in their plight…
I will magnify the meek unto their enemies.
I will champion the disadvantaged often times…
And lend succour to the despondent in their chill.
I embrace the oppressed, and unconfine them to their misery…
I will uplift the righteous in their war with sin.

I heed not proud Peril’s spiteful persuasion…
I accommodate Cruelty’s callous claws.
I am immune to the wiles of Adversity…
I am irrepressible, unmastered, unconquered and unbowed.
I prosper unsoiled, untainted, unmarred, untarnished…
Travesty’s injustice takes no test of me…

I subvert the wicked wiles and repugnant reckoning of
Iniquity’s insidious endeavours with equanimous dignity.
It arrides me to contemn my encounter with Apollyon
And brave the terrorist, the nihilist, the Mephistophelian malcontent…

Regardless of the veracity of matters,
From the scourge of vocal clamour
I take my own council.
I am the sentinel of my own truth…
I am the controller of my own governance.
I have command of the ordinance of my destiny.
Good fortune will be of my unfettered choice…

I fear nothing…

I am not afraid…

I do not search for answers in my quests…
I seek only for whatever will chance to be.
I tread surely upon the path I have set for myself…
My stride is steadfast and sure and purposeful.
My endeavour is unremitting towards the approaching storm…
Courage is my accomplice in my deeds.
Fortitude is my companion and my kin…
Contentment is my devoted confederate.
I laugh unwounded unto Mischance’s scorn…

I fear nothing…
I am not afraid…

I am undaunted in any task I undertake…
While I accommodate a confidence of being.
My fealty is to my aspirations…
My faith is in the thraldom of my ambitions.
I am unwearied in my resolve…
I am bold in my resistance to the imperium of Doom.
I have an accomplished artistry in assuaging afflictions…
I have nothing to concern me… I will prevail…

Nihil timeam…
noli temeram…

I fear nothing…
I am not afraid…


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