Remembering the Soldiers.

by | Apr 5, 2012 | Poetry | 0 comments

They fought on Flanders Field,
For years they went on,
Thousands were killed,
But many were thrilled,
For the end of World War I.

Celebrations were held,
All round the streets,
The whole world sighed with relief,
And brought out the goodness that was beneath,
It was the end of World War I.

Drips of blood scattered the field,
Lungs and guts, all gory,
They gave their lives to save others,
To save their sisters and brothers,
Only a few lived to tell their story,
Goodbye World War I.

On the field that they did fight,
Came a beauty, a big surprise,
For when the women and kids awoke,
All of the people, the towns folk,
Blinked big, in the light,
No more World War I.

A beautiful red they were,
But no noise, not a sound,
Just a field covered in poppies,
The colour of blood beautifully copied,
With a gasp they looked around,
But poppies were all they found,
In memory of World War I.

And now, even to this day,
We remember what they did,
We stand and think for two whole minutes,
And for thanking, there is no limits,
They helped the world back to peace,
The soldiers of World War I.


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