Say a Prayer or 2

by | Jul 21, 2017 | Poetry | 0 comments

Say a prayer for those soon to be dead

For they will not go home smiling

They will not hear the bands,

See the celebration or relish the glory

Say a prayer for those soon to be dead

They will not know the pride felt for them

Nor enjoy the freedoms their loss upholds

Or again feel joys soft embrace

Say a prayer for those soon to be dead

Whist respect and gratitude will surround them

It will not penetrate the cocoon of

Their eternal dark resting place

If you say a prayer for those soon to be dead

Then say 2 for those who will survive

Who will bear witness to the carnage

Those who will see the blood flow

Say 2 prayers for those who will survive

Who cannot release the trigger

Who will carry the burden of guilt

For those who will always feel the tears cascade

Say 2 prayers for those who will survive

For whom the explosion won’t be a headline

But a life changing instant

And who will feel its eternal blast

Say 2 prayers for those who will survive

For those destined to walk without legs

See without eyes

Reminisce without friends

Say 2 prayers for those who will survive

For those who will have to share a world

With others who will not believe and

Those who cannot understand the horror

Say 2 prayers for those who will survive

Whose lives will forever be in shadow

Until they feel liberated by the soft embrace of darkness

And their peace, at last, is won


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