The Curved Walls

by | Oct 10, 2015 | Poetry | 0 comments

In the World we are known as the United Kingdom
Great Britain is our own Sceptred Isle
Protected by our Military Forces, over the years
So close your eyes if you will and think for awhile
Of the Wars that were fought to save Nations from aggression
One War to end all Wars or so it was said
It then transpired our Troops were called for in hours of need
From Countries all over the World at large instead
To fight Terrorism or a Coups d’etat maybe
On some foreign shore faraway from home
And perhaps create peace in that locality
The result many times was unknown

Hostilities may be overcome by Armed Force
But nothing is gained without cost
For some have made the ultimate sacrifice
And many young lives have been lost
Now at the National Memorial Arboretum
The Armed Forces Memorial proudly stands
Dedicated by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
As a lasting Memorial crafted by willing hands
A stunning 43 metre Circular Design in stone
The structure of 2 straight walls and 2 large Crescents
Bearing 15,000 names as the walls were created
With empty panels for 15,000 more as need presents
Sited here in the heart of the country
Tranquility and Solace in constant reign
Where Relations & Loved- ones pay homage to their Memory
Hoping the Sacrifice of Life was not made in vain
When leaving this place of great reverence
I’m sure that everybody certainly recalls
The thought of standing protected as the names there inscribed
By two huge diametrically curved stone walls


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