Upon Receiving a Wartime Letter of Condolence

by | May 26, 2020 | Poetry | 2 comments

The hand that had caressed him
Now held a pen she kept for best.
When she was a child,she would lose herself,
In the cloudy blue grey swirls of its shaft.
The words would not come at first.
Then hesitantly they arrived.
‘much appreciated’; ‘great comfort’;
So thoughtful’.

There was to be a child a heart beat
held in her as the sea now mothered
What had been hers and hers alone
under the waves,with his shipmates
‘all pals together’ .

They said it was a lucky shot, that broke
His ship in two,Lucky for some,She thought
licking and sealing. the unscented envelope.

© Bernard Pearson


  1. Jan Hedger

    A very moving and succinct poem – the last line ‘an unscented envelope’ speaks volumes.


  2. Mac

    A wonderful read and paints such a picture, thank you.


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