A Mothers role

by | May 23, 2008 | Poetry | 0 comments

Today as I just sit and think
Of days already past
My thoughts go back
To my childhood days
Has my Life gone by too fast
The more I try to concentrate
Events that once seemed small
Come racing back into my mind
How much can I re-call
Of days when just a little lad
Of young and tender years
To Primary School I was duly enrolled
While Mum just lingered
Outside the School gates
And up and down patrolled
Till her young son
With other children
Disappeared inside
And when the doors were finally closed
She just broke down and cried
For this was something new to her
To leave the youngster on his own
This baby she used to sit and cuddle
To a Schoolboy now had grown
And then the years go rushing by
From Baby, to Boy then Teen
But where did all the days go
Of those years between
But Mum just did the best she could
Tho’ poor she still bestowed
A lifetime of wisdom and love
To set me on Life’s busy road.


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