An image in rhyme

by | May 16, 2008 | Poetry | 0 comments

She was sitting there upon the screen
There was something in her eyes
Was it a hint of sadness
I’m trying hard to visualise
The personality behind the smile
How was she treated by the world
In which she lived her lonely life
Waiting for magic to be unfurled
Like a flag that’s left to lie too long
It’s message under wraps
Until it’s hoisted up aloft
In full view and then perhaps
This Lady’s once again rekindled
The flame that once shone so bright
As life has offered a second chance
In order that she just might
Return and use the talent
In those fingers and mind so young
To create once again those pieces of art
Which her Dad’s praises had sung
For it seems that her strength overcame demons
That recently blighted her life
And no doubt the love of her Children helped
To resolve all her personal strife
And to enable her to continue to write, and paint
In tranquillity and ease
Creating masterpieces so that others she might please


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