At Sunset in the Haute-Provence, France. (Plateau du Valensole – July 2008)

by | Mar 2, 2009 | Poetry | 0 comments

At sunset the warm flowers meet the cooling sky and each takes on the others’ shade;
The pink that’s gathered in the clouds is borrowed from the lavender blade,
Or is it that the lavender hue is taken from the sky and mixed this way?
No, it’s the setting sun creating its magic to make this shade at the end of every day.

The divine fragrances of cooling earth, wafting winds of lavender and other scent
Missed during sunshine hours, like some end of the day reward to be spent
On the gold of the corn as it turns darker still – its harvest yet to yield
But ours is the joy and pleasure of it waving to us from the far distant field.

Crickets and late birds add their songs to this evening display;
Their performance for sunset and night not belonging to the disappearing day.
Look over to the distant mountains and see the shade of rocks and stone
The beauty of God’s ascetic landscape feels like it is meant for us alone.

Meanwhile the departing sun, its scarlet glow, generously adorns plant and tree
As they dare to look into its splendor, their surface radiant with its generosity.
Before this ancient orb leaves with the day, it graces us with a final show of its might,
As tip of mountain and sky become one molten furnace, fused with heavenly light.

This consuming red-gold fire gradually slips from our vision, but we’re still allowed
To experience the setting sun’s glory as it colors the edges of the nearby cloud,
And on the ground all shades take on a darker hue as the night descends upon us.
Inherited summer days with longer hours of lasting light, for us to appreciate thus.

The mysteries and magic of the woods and forests as far as the eye can see,
Tomorrow they will allow our gentle exploration; discovering nature as it should be.
At the end of a hot and beautiful day belonging to the land: Haute Provence
We walk along together; man, woman and dog – blessed with God’s providence.


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