Tumultuous Torrent

The river of mud slid at speed Carving its way down the mountain side Full of lust, of power and greed It spewed its guts in an enveloping tide, Of devastation; a land sucking parasite, Crumbling bridges and uprooting trees Blackening; smashing out the light...

Keys on the hall table

Mirror, mirror on the wall Do you reflect the real me? Mirror, mirror on the wall Or is it I reflecting you? Glass, silver painted Whole and ornate China doll; cracked, In mind and body Eyes that never close, But do not see Rivulets of red Tracking my cheeks A...

One Voice

The land is dry and barren, grazed by constant hunger. The atmosphere is restless rippling through; infectious. I feel it in vibration of the hardened earth. I hear it from deep throat calling of communication. Instinct strong; I know it’s time to be moving on; for my...

Street Collection

I didn’t mean to be sick! I tried hard not too, but with the rockin’ and rollin’ – twists and turns, I couldn’t help it. Please take me next. I don’t want to be the last dog in the van. I know I look a frightful mess, but I’ve been sleeping rough you see. My coats all...

Flowing for All

Arising from grandiose mountains, the Babbling brook begins its tremulous way Cascading over smooth, rounded pebbles Down the steep ravine in a clear ribbon Encapsulating the picture book scene Foraging its way, deep below ground Gushing into the open with renewed joy...