Flowing for All

by | Dec 30, 2009 | Poetry | 0 comments

Arising from grandiose mountains, the
Babbling brook begins its tremulous way
Cascading over smooth, rounded pebbles
Down the steep ravine in a clear ribbon
Encapsulating the picture book scene
Foraging its way, deep below ground
Gushing into the open with renewed joy
Hop, hopping over lichen covered rocks
Into a winding, widening, crystal stream
Juicily nurturing the burgeoning plants
Kicking its heels over tripping rapids
Landing safe to continue its journey
Meandering through spreading plains
No time to rest in its friend, the lake
Onward to join its lover, becoming one
Paddling feet teasing in dappled shallows
Quenching, deepening and broadening; the
River marches on, towards its ultimate goal
Swishing, swashing, lapping its guiding banks
Trout slithering from tickling, trailing fingers
Under bridges, around bends, a medley of
Vessels cut through the reflection of glass
Washing its way with true majesty; spreading
Xxx in the air as it bursts from the estuary, into
Yonder sea, brimming over with success, and
Zeal as it dances in harmony with the waves


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