by Jan Hedger | Nov 17, 2009 | Poetry
Romance Flowing sweetly Gorgeous auburn river Carried battered soldier away Rapport!
by Jan Hedger | Nov 11, 2009 | Poetry
From the Ground Plucked from the dampened field Night melts into dawn Butter melting in the pan A bruise of garlic Aroma rises Mushrooms fry Earth! Bellissimo Tomatoes prised from the vine Warmed by the Tuscan sun Fresh leaves of deep green basil Finger torn and...
by Jan Hedger | Nov 6, 2009 | Poetry
Barbed comments; from a beloved one Can pierce to the heart of ones heart Leaving no safety net to fall on As its structure is ripped apart They dim the light that brightly shone Carried swift in a poisoned dart Barbed comments; from a beloved one Can pierce to the...
by Jan Hedger | Nov 4, 2009 | Poetry
Take a risk and leave the shadows With vibrant clothes that sing out loud Be yourself in rhythmic echoes Emerge with strength, discard the shroud. Draw your breath as the music grows Play your cards, to the captive crowd Take a risk and leave the shadows With vibrant...
by Jan Hedger | Oct 21, 2009 | Poetry
Where once red wine poured down their blade They form a cross where history played. These cold bloodied creatures flashed Minds and bodies torn and slashed Sharpened tips screamed out in pain Wailing over corpses slain. Where once red wine poured down their blade They...