
Skeins of snow white geese Pure against the winter sky Fly in formation. Crocodiles submerge Hunting with periscope eyes, Waiting for wildebeest. Clouds knit together Full of gathering moisture January gloom. Steel- grey eyes; focused Grey Wolf watches from the...

As dawn creeps in

The mist lies low across the plain Horse’s breath is dancing As dog fox slinks along the lane The mist lies low across the plain Blackbird sings the dawn refrain Winter sun is glancing The mist lies low across the plain Horse’s breath is...

The one that got away

Silver fish slake downstream River bank alive with life Chub, Perch, Grayling, Bream Silver fish slake downstream The fisher wakes from his dream Says good mornin’ to the wife Silver fish slake downstream River bank alive with...


I do not need to, Strip you naked You did that yourself. I don’t need your finery For even in jeans I’m at ease with myself. Silk does not a person make Nor rags define a tramp It’s in our inner selves Where the truth lies. And your lies, Expose the...

Hand of hope

If you are burdened by the load you are carrying on your shoulders With the weight of your own problems and the worries of others Throw them back, stand tall and let the burden slip to the floor. If your feet are as heavy as lead and your footsteps laboured With every...