Bottle alley

They hide from the sun They hide from themselves They hide in a bottle In denial Who stole their lives? In Bottle Alley With shattered glass Of shattered lives They sit.

A Scene from Tuscany

New Year in Tuscany Moody and magnificent Full of contradictions Hints of spring Yet awhile away A taste of sunshine Exuding gentle warmth A stark reminder The cold air bites ‘Hey! Its winter And I’m still here!’ Cloaked in mist And low lying cloud The hills rest In...

Wedding dress shopping

Softly flowing in a cascade of Ivory white Blossoming in a wedding gown A bodice in the contour of her Fitting perfectly, then flatteringly, Falling into a pool at her feet Our eyes meet in a moment of clarity Mother and daughter, caught in emotion This is the...

Drifting off, into my World

I’m daydreaming again Today I am George Feeling the salt laden spray Stinging my face As I pull on the oars In rhythm with the waves I’m on my way to Kirrin Island My island! Julian, Dick and Anne Have been kidnapped! By the evil witch Masquerading as, ‘Miss Jones’...