by Jan Hedger | Jan 18, 2008 | Poetry
A secret told to earnest ears Striving to catch, each, Whispered word Eyes wide open in surprise Breath – drawn in and held To exhaled in a tumble Of excitement Through cupped hands Shielding a receptive ear And so it goes on Until the secret Is no longer, a secret...
by Jan Hedger | Jan 18, 2008 | Poetry
They call this a pass, a pass to where? When there is no door for the one’s issued in orange I was too old for a blue, to young for a green And not disabled in body for a yellow The twenty to thirty year olds, they said Were strong, needed to stay and defend Defend...
by Jan Hedger | Jan 15, 2008 | Poetry
Oh butterfly, butterfly Flutter by flutter by When did you wake From your pupae state Was it this morning When the sun was high In the bright blue sky Did you spread your wings In it’s heat to dry Oh flutter by flutter by My pretty little butterfly Parade your...
by Jan Hedger | Jan 15, 2008 | Poetry
I sat last night watching the rabbits hop jumping about flip flap flop noses twitching running around ssshh be quiet don’t make a sound. A big fat rabbit smiled at me “Is it a little boy that I see?” “Yes I’m Thomas” and smiled right back “Pleased to meet you, my...
by Jan Hedger | Jan 15, 2008 | Poetry
Do you believe in fairies with flowers in their hair wings as soft as feathers a song as light as air? I believe in fairies they live within my mind in my imagination as fantasies unwind I dream among the bluebells and wonder if and when the fairies will appear today...