‘Look my son! Look There’s a kite flying high’ ‘Where Daddy, where? Let me see! But it has no string, No tail of red ribbons It has no one controlling its flight’ ‘Ah, no my son, it needs no string No tail of red ribbons No hand controlling its flight For it’s a kite...


I am just a pebble upon the rocky shore A pebble amongst pebbles lost and insecure No home have I no one to love Just a pebble amongst pebbles upon the rocky shore. The sea it washes over me cools me from the sun my only chance of freedom I have no legs to run to...


The bruised red velvet petals of the three red roses curled in tight; in solidarity; against the invasion of their inner selves Not so the brazen lily, who bared its soul its fiery orange tongue; resplendent Soft, pink lacy fingers of the unassuming astilbe reached...


I want to be as tall as a mountain as alive as the sea as high as the sky, I want to be free Free to run through fields of green to bask in the sun to dance in the rain, Free to have fun To sleep when I tire in a bed soft and warm in front of a fire safe and secure,...


The sea appears ghostlike From under the blanket of mist Its waves gently rising Gently falling, until….. It stealthily reaches the shore Encroaching; Encompassing; Possessing all within its grasp Until….. At the turn of the tide It leaves as ghostly and As gently as...