
My shell is my home but without table and chairs Just a cool empty space in which to lay my head Do I get pleasure from being afloat in the salty sea? Do I gleefully scoff as I escape the trawler man’s nets? Do I find comfort in clinging steadfastly to the rocks? Do I...


Oh dear sweet woodland of pure tranquillity Oh how I bathe in your ethereal beauty Nature’s cathedral in majestic splendour, Rising, aspiring, saluting the sky Let not it silence fool you, nor its stillness belie For if you pause a moment upon your passing through...

Friends; Always

She sent me a feather From her gossamer wings Knowing I needed comfort Belief and her support As always My heart skipped a beat As I picked up the feather And held it soft in my hand As I will hold the memory of her With me, always Such a gentle feather Like the...


The paint swept across the easel Frenetic, wild, and out of control Imagining a canvas there………. There being none; Its tears fell to the floor Pooling into a cascade of colour On the cold, stone tiles Of the deserted artists...


Alone on the bench she sat watching Calico, on a shimmering sea drifting, drifting sailing the breeze lazily billowing catching the air harnessing its power quite naturally In quiet contemplation she dreams, of being Calico adrift and free amidst the dancing sunlight...