Seth’s father was Adam… His mother was Eve, Who also his brothers, Cain and Abel, conceived. So the question I have Is a delicate one; This Seth had a wife… Now, where did she come from?


They said they’d sent my son away To fight some distant war… But they said my son was killed today, When they’d knocked upon my door. They said he died courageously On some desert’s dusty sand… They said they would bring him back to me From this somewhere foreign...


When you go in the still of the dawning… Steal secretly from the warmth of my bed… From all my love’s unfettered compassion. In the coolness of the early morning, Let your gentle footfall silently tread… Lightly. In the quietude of the blesséd hush… Released thereto...


I am there in the dark of night. I am your angel when you pray. You see my star…the bright starlight. I am there still when comes the day. I am with you…I am near. I come to watch and protect you. I will guide you. Do not fear… You have my love in all you do. My...


When Frost had dressed the Earth with shimmering white, And gloved the gnarled bare fingers of the Trees… And lengthened Days were firmly turned to flight, Forsaken…Despair was wont to appease. For Nature had its winter coat prepared, And spun the misty tendrils on...