Cleanse me

Wash away my hatred and black pain Cleanse my soul of this earthly madness Creator if you have created why? Some sort of sick joke? Death Oh how a comfort it becomes To love to hate to Kill You have had your fill I bow at the feet of What? Its comical even though it...

Coming Of Age

The guns fell silent his ears ringing like church bells Warm sunlight hit his face like a smile from God The mist of battle drifted over his friends, no one spoke Filling his lungs with air he could taste the cordite Eyes stinging he thought of nothing He was alive He...


Darkness fills my skull like sewerage Pouring Its Stench Into My Colourless Abyss Tears Cannot Come Anymore War Has Sucked The Life And Soul From Me Black Black Pain Crushes Me Remorselessly Walking This Earth Like A Pitiful Zombie Look Into My Eyes And See The Devils...


Death’s just around the corner I can see his scythe No surprises, he?s here at my invitation I?ve had a bellyful of this earthly sentence The “Pull yourself together” crowd Make me puke “Yes, Yes, Yes, I know Pull the slide back Safety off, ha...

Green Maggot

The war rages on and the cold bites my soul My fingers are numb and I laugh at my blood But I know I will be ok in the ice tonight I’ve got my “green maggot”. I see my friend die his brains vaporise in the sky I run and I jump and I scream and I cry The tracer like...