Green Maggot

The war rages on and the cold bites my soul My fingers are numb and I laugh at my blood But I know I will be ok in the ice tonight I’ve got my “green maggot”. I see my friend die his brains vaporise in the sky I run and I jump and I scream and I cry The tracer like...

I wish

I wish I didn’t feel sorry for myself I wish I could love people more I wish everyone could have food in their bellies I wish man didn’t have to go to war I wish I knew the meaning of life I wish I could fly to the end of space I wish Tony Blair would tell the truth I...

It’s not about Oil?

Roll up boys and girls Come take the Queens shilling Iraq’s better than the dole The scenery is thrilling This is no Crusade Has nothing to do with Bush Move along, sit down No need to crush How old are you son? 17 good lad You can’t vote for Blair But your Parents...

Laughing Hyenas

This Bubble is getting thicker, oilier and black Today I want to kill myself tomorrow who knows? I hate the whole of the human race, is God’s great sin mankind? Save your lying self platitudes, I don’t want to know I’m writing this for pure selfish self pity But my...

Men Who Sit On Chairs

Men who sit on chairs send us to war They tell us how to fight They add up the score Men who sit on chairs send us back home Minus one or two or three or four or more Men who sit on Chairs send letters to the bereaved They tell of the heroism of what they have...